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Join me for a unique experience of a lifetime for 14 days to Antarctica. I will be onboard ship as their artist in residence and helping with any art tips and tricks along the way and help you hone your artistic skills. I will be joined by wildlife photographer Andy Rouse who will also be available to help you with all your photographic needs. For more info and bookings please visit

Look forward to seeing you there!

Life-size tiger oil painting!

'Prince of India'

June 2015


I'm so excited to announce my latest life-size oil painting! This has been a really enjoyable and exciting project which I started in February this year and have just finished the last brush stroke on the 1st June! The painting will first go on display and sale at the 'Mall Galleries' in London from the 29th June - 4th July alongside the DSWF Wildlife Artist of the year competition and will benefit Tiger Time- Save the tiger. Limited edition prints will also be available soon!

Details to follow

Watch the video below on the making of the life-size painting

'White on black' my new style!

March 2015

This style of 'white on black' original wildlife art is the result of my latest trip to South Africa which inspired me to try something a little different.


It is inspired by the power, grace and mystery of these stunning African animals. They are created with white pencil and gouache paint capturing the light and darks of the animals natural form.


The selection of 'white on black' originals can be seen in my website gallery under the same name here.


All are currently available for sale.

RAF commission for 27 Sqn Odiham

February 2015


This month I was honoured to have deliverd my 'Chinook' painting to 27 Sqn at RAF Odiham which is celebrating its 100th Anniversary this year. I was overwhelmed by the response from the squadron and its crew and it has been nothing short of a privilege to work with these guys over the last few months. The painting will hang in the Mess and go on tour with the squadron over the next year as they celebrate their 100 years.


It's Tiger Time!

September 2014


I'm very excited to announce a partnership with the David Shepherd Foundations 'Tiger Time' campaign. I have with the help of photographer Rob Drewett drawn a special tiger drawing to help with raising vital funds to protect and save the wild tiger. This drawing is now available to buy from my web shop and you will also be helping save the tiger! It is such a HUGE priviledge to be involved with Tiger Time and of course helping protect the tiger that I am so passionate about. To order your Giclee Limited Edition Print please visit my shop or follow the link here


Landscapes and seascapes
February 2014


I'm really excited and pleased to be finally adding some landscape and seascape paintings to my portfolio. I will be travelling around the South West coast of the UK over the next few weeks in search of powerful and beautiful scenery to recreate on canvas. Please check out my latest 'Landscape' gallery here with more paintings being added as and when they are finished.


An evening wth Peter Egan and Simon Cowell MBE on Saturday 14th December 2013 in aid of Animals Asia and Wildlife Aid.


Come and join us on Saturday 14th December for an afternoon of art and an evening of chat and fun.

Richard will be demonstrating his drawing skills at the 'No Naked Walls Gallery' Bramley, Guildford, Surrey GU5 0HB from 1-5 pm, come and ask him questions about his art and travels (free entry). Then at 7pm come and watch some short films and hear Peter Egan and Simon Cowell MBE chat about their involvement with wildlife and some fun along the way.

Seats cost £10 per person and include a festive mulled wine and mince pie! To book call: 01483 894466 or email: All proceeds to Animals Asia and Wildlife Aid

'Wild at HeART' Exhibition opens on the 1st - 24th December 2013


I'm so excited to announce my latest exhibition to be held in Bramley Nr Guildford, Surrey UK at 'No Naked Walls Gallery'. This will be a retrospective show of over 22 years of my work to date. There will be over 55 originals and limited edition prints available to buy along with a few drawings from my private collection.

I'm honoured as ever that the wonderful Virginia McKenna OBE will be opening the show at 11am on the 1st December. If you would like to be at the opening please RSVP to Sharon Withers at or (01483) 894466

We really look forward to seeing you there and please don't forget to share this page on facebook or twitter and tell your friends! Very best wishes Richard

My New Website!

Richard Symonds Oct 2013


Well it's been years in the waiting but I am extremely happy to launch my new 'spangly' website, well not too spangly! I will be keeping it up to date with all events, activities, new drawings, paintings and prints so please do look back to see what's on! If you use Facebook please visit and 'like' my page 'Richard Symonds Artist' by simply clicking on the Facebook logo above. I am active most days on facebook updating my work, thoughts and really welcome you to take part in discussions or simply just to say hi!


One of the features I'm most excited about on this new website is to finally have a shop where I can offer all my current Limited Edition Prints for sale worldwide! Please visit the 'Shop' tab above where you will find over 40 different Limited Edition Prints available.


Anyway thank you SO much for visiting here and I hope you find this new website interesting but above all enjoyable and easy to navigate. Very best wishes Richard 

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